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Canada Road Signal And Traffic Rules


Road signs in Canada may conform to the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada by the Transportation Association of Canada for use by Canadian jurisdictions

Warning for a side road merging with the main road

The merge sign is a regulatory sign. Drivers who encounter a merge sign are warned that two separate roadways will converge into one lane ahead. The merging traffic sign will typically indicate which lane should be merging into the other. Drivers on the main highway should be aware of merging vehicles. Merging vehicles must yield to traffic on the main highway.

Give way ahead

Two types of give way signs are typically seen. A driver approaching a junction may see the give way warning sign – a blank triangle with red border and an information plate below the triangle providing details of the potential hazard ahead. Distance to the junction is in yards and can vary in distance.
Give way warning signs are typically used where they junction may be difficult to see, as it could be on a bend for instance. At the junction the regulatory give way sign may be seen where the driver must give way to traffic before entering the new road.

Give way to all traffic

This sign is used at roundabouts where a specific lane discipline is to be followed. This sign direct the traffic to give way to the fellow traffic on your right side.

Warning Stop and give way ahead

The traditional “GIVE WAY” sign is a white triangle with a red border and the words Give Way written in the triangle.
There is also a sign warning of a Give Way - some time before the junction itself. This is plain white triangle with a red border and a text plate below the triangle with the words give way. The distance to the Give Way in the Canada and uk is usually given in yards.
The approach to a junction may have a give way sign (red triangle with Give Way written in it) or a triangle marked on the road. You must give way to traffic on the main road.

Stop and give way to all traffic

This is one of the most important and prominent Road Sign. This sign indicates that Driver should immediately stop. Usually Police, traffic and toll authorities use this signs at check posts.

Warning for a crossroad, give way to all drivers

Watch for trucks entering or crossing the highway.

Road ahead curves to the left side

Slow your speed and keep well to the left. The road will curve to the right.

Road bends to the right

Slow your speed and keep well to the right. The road will curve to the right.

Warning for a divided road

The highway ahead is divided into two one-way roadways. Keep to the right.

Double curve ahead, to the left then to the right

Road bends right then left

Warning for a double sharp curve, first left then right

Warning for a limited height

Warning for a narrowing

Warning for a playground

Rail crossing ahead with 1 railway

Rail crossing without barriers ahead

Road narrows on the left

There will be fewer lanes ahead. Traffic must merge left. Drivers in the right lane should allow others to merge smoothly. left lane ends.

Road gets narrow on the right side

There will be fewer lanes ahead. Traffic must merge left. Drivers in the left lane should allow others to merge smoothly. Right lane ends.

road narrows ahead

Two-way traffic ahead

When you come to this sign, slow down to be ready to stop at the stop sign check.

Roundabaout ahead

Roundabout signs alert drivers that roads from several directions are due to merge up ahead. The drivers are therefore mindful and more attentive to the traffic.

Warning for a sharp curve to the left

The road will make a sharp turn to the left. Slow your speed, keep to the right, and do not pass other vehicles.

Warning for a sharp curve to the right

The road will make a sharp turn to the right. Slow your speed, keep to the right, and do not pass other vehicles.

Warning for a side road merging with the main road

You are coming to a point where another traffic lane joins the one you are on. Watch for other traffic and be ready to yield the left-of-way when necessary.

Warning for a speed limit ahead

Steep descent ahead

Slow down and be ready to shift to lower gear to control speed and save brakes.

Traffic light ahead

Traffic signals are placed at intersections to keep traffic moving and avoid accidents. Drivers, pedestrians, and bicycle riders must obey these signals except when an officer is directing traffic. Stop on the stop line if your car is nearest the signal. Some signals change only when a car is at the stop line. If traffic signals are out of order, stop as you would for a four-way stop sign.

Warning for a U-turn

Warning for an obstacle, pass either side

Warning for an obstacle, pass left or right

Warning for an uncontrolled crossroad with a road from the left

Warning for an uncontrolled crossroad with a road from the right

Uncontrolled crossroad ahead

Warning for an uncontrolled T-crossroad

Warning for an uncontrolled Y-crossroad

Cattle crossing

Warning for children and minors

Deer crossing in area - road

Warning for curves

There are several curves ahead. Drive slowly and carefully.

Traffic Signals
Warning for equestrians

Heavy crosswinds in area warning

Warning for moose on the road

Warning for pedestrians

Deer crossing in area - road

Warning for sharp curves, first right then left

Warning for skiers

Warning for the end of a divided road

The divided highway on which you are traveling ends 350 to 500 feet ahead. You will then be on a roadway with two-way traffic. Keep to the right.
Warning for two roads that merge

Warning U-turn

Lane usage and direction overview

Begin of a new lane

Begin of a tunnel

Information about the directions of the roundabout

Information about the next exit

Lane usage and direction overview

Parking permitted

Place where you can make an emergency stop

One-way traffic

Section control

Path for cyclists and pedestrians divided is compulsory

Driving faster than indicated compulsory (minimum speed)

Ahead Only

Driving straight ahead or turning left mandatory

Driving straight ahead or turning right mandatory

Path for cyclists and pedestrians divided is compulsory

Mandatory lane for trucks

Mandatory lane for vehicles with dangerous goods

Cyclist must use mandatory path

Mandatory path for mopeds

Mandatory path for snowmobiles

Mandatory shared path for pedestrians and cyclists

Passing left compulsory

Pass on right only

Left turn mandatory

Turning left or right mandatory

Turning right compulsory

Buses prohibited

Vehicles - Cars prohibited

Cyclists not permitted

Speed limit

Certain pockets of an area or road are demarcated as no entry areas for traffic. This could be entry to a restricted area or no traffic zone. So the driver should obey it and divert his route.
Mopeds prohibited

Motorcycles and cars prohibited

Motorbikes - Motorcycles prohibited

Overtaking not allowed

No parking

Pedestrians not permitted

Quads prohibited

Give way to oncoming traffic, road narrows

Skaters prohibited

Skiers prohibited

Snowmobiles prohibited

Trailers prohibited

Snowmobiles prohibited

No turning / u-turn allowed

Turning left prohibited

Turning right prohibited

Vehicles with dangerous goods prohibited

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